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Freya is an IED thesis project in collaboration with Sedus Stoll which aims to enhance learning experiences and mental welfare of high school students. Through visual beauty, the product relaxes the mind and increases its susceptibility to learning. Freya creates new learning spaces within school environments by focusing on corridors (a misjudged learning space where students exchange ideas and discuss upcoming lectures) transforming them into learning roads where students want to pause and feel comfortable in the living space.


The modules give life and visual beauty to commonly gray, forgotten areas and transform them into a space of learning, community, and sharing. The empty corridor converts into learning streets where students can seek a tranquil refuge and connection with their peers. In addition, the product

reduces noise pollution by acoustic isolation, and connects to biophilic design through nature connotations on a multi-sensory level. Colors and aromas are associated with Nordic summer forests which stimulates and calms the mind and improves susceptibility to learning in upcoming lectures.



Mivetex, cactus leather (Dessierto),
pine needle felt, pine wood, velcro.

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